No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Feast - 4/27/07


How fast can you type?

The last time I checked, it was about 56 WPM with complete accuracy, but I have a feeling that I probably type faster when I am not stressed to beat a time on the clock and not make any mistakes.


What is your favorite online game?

I don't really play online games. I guess I am an old fashioned kind of gal. I play the occasional minesweeper or solitaire on my computer, but that's about as wild and crazy as I get.


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are?

I have no idea--and I'm not just saying that. I achieved good grades in school. I graduated from college without too much of a struggle (except for my Probability and Statistics class--that was one of the biggest struggles for me). However, every now and then I have a "moment" where I question my intelligence. For instance, I could be driving and talking on my cell phone and all of a sudden wonder, "Where is my phone? Did I leave it at work?" until it dawns on my that I am actually speaking on it. Yeah, I'm kind of afraid to know where I fall on a standard IQ test. I'm perfectly happy to stay blissfully uninformed.

Main Course

Name three of your best teachers from your school years.

Mrs. Meyers in the third grade - because she was so nice that I still remember and appreciate her "niceness" and how much I liked her even to this day.

Mrs. Wasielewski in the 6th grade - because she replaced the evil nun who was teaching there before her. (I was taught by several nuns and most were lovely people, but Sister Gertrude was just plain mean. I remember her yelling at me for something she thought I did, but I was completely not guilty as charged. I remember it as if it happened yesterday.) Mrs. Wasielewski was sweet and caring and a wonderful transition from the previous teacher.

Mrs. White in the 8th grade - because she was tough, but fair and I learned a lot from her before going off to high school.


What are your plans for this upcoming weekend?

I am flying up to Pennsylvania to visit my Mom and Dad who I haven't seen since Christmas. I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Beatles - In My Life

I am going to Las Vegas again in June to see The Police Reunion concert at MGM and to see The Beatles Cirque du Soleil show, Love, again at the Mirage.

As I was driving to work this morning, singing along with the Love soundtrack at the top of my lungs, (it's a good thing no one has to carpool with me) I thought about how excited I was to see the show for a second time in less than a year. I thought about how happy I was belting out these songs while driving to work on a rainy, Tuesday morning. I started to give it some thought and I was really surprised by the memories and emotions that came up as I started to think about my attachment to The Beatles' music.

My earliest memories are of my older brother playing me Beatles songs in his room when I was a kid. I was really young and I remember that my favorites were Octupus's Garden (because the descriptions in the song are so fun and childlike) and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (because it is just so infectious and fun to sing) and Maxwell's Silver Hammer (because I remember being highly amused by the idea of going around clobbering people with a silver hammer on their head--although I'm not sure exactly what that says about me). I would ask him to play them over and over again. I was probably 4 or 5 years old at the time.

Later, I remember hearing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and drawing a picture for my brother (that he hung in his room for a long time) of everything I could get out of the lyrics-- newspaper taxis, tangerine trees, cellophane flowers of yellow and green, etc., etc. I was probably about 7 years old.

I remember being the only kid in school who was really saddened by the news of John Lennon's death. I don't think anyone else was deeply affected or even knew who John Lennon was. I remember being sad and surprised that none of my classmates really cared or understood why I did care. I knew it was a big deal. I was ten years old in December of 1980 when John Lennon was shot. I had chills when we visited the site of his murder in New York a few years ago.

When I got my first turntable and stereo, my brother gave me his old copies of Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour and The White Album (he had newer, more pristine versions) and I played them to death. I remember my favorite at the time being the Sgt. Pepper album. I learned about the symbolism in the artwork on the album covers (remember when album artwork was significant?) and I used to examine every detail. I didn't have many records at the time, so I listened to them over and over again.

In 1997, I got a job with EMI Music and worked for them for about 4 years. I was there when the Beatles 1 record came out (the compilation of number one songs) and I felt proud just to be working there at the time (even though the division of EMI that I worked for really had nothing to do with the release).

I've spent my later years listening to everything from 80's pop to metal to rock to country, but one thing has always remained a constant. Every now and then, I always find time to listen to The Beatles.

No other music affects me this way and I now realize that no other music ever will. It is the music that I have in my earliest memories. These melodies and images are completely woven throughout the memories and experiences of my life and have really become part of my life's soundtrack. The connection is so strong in my mind, that I sometimes think that on some level that the songs just sound different to me than they do to other people. It's like the music is climbing into my head and pulling out the memories one by one.

I'm thrilled to have tickets to go to the Beatles Love show for a second time. I've read that the show will be running in Las Vegas for about ten years and I am thankful for that. Deep down, I have a sneaking suspicion that even after seeing it twice, chances are, I will need to return again someday. If you find yourself in Vegas, I recommend that you check it out and you'll agree--all you need is LOVE.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Binder Clip Madness

I work with people who get paid to be creative and be "on" all the time. There are plenty of deadlines and plenty of pressure to keep our product fun and interesting so that people continue to purchase it. Sometimes, things need to happen to offset the stress, make people laugh and spice things up a bit. This is where the attack of the binder clips has suddenly come into play.

You've seen the binder clips. They are used at almost every office and they come in all sorts of sizes. Lately, it has become the trend to try to clip them to people without their knowledge.

The more you clip on people, the bigger the clips, and the higher the ranking of the individual, the more interesting it is. People all over the office are walking around with clips hanging off of the back of sweatshirt hoods, and collars. One guy has gone so far as to hang a sign that declares his space a "clip free zone". Yesterday, a VP left for the airport with a clip hanging off of her. (We wonder if she made it through the metal detector.) Today, I witnessed a guy bravely attach two clips to the bottom of the shirt-tail of a Director. People are climbing under furniture to get pant legs and there has even been discussion of creating a chart so that people can be crossed off when they have been"clipped".

I've been careful. I've been watching for reflections in my letter opener. Shadows on the floor. I won't even listen to music so that I can hear people coming for me. I've survived two days clip free. I've now been told that I am a high-priority target and now I am imagining that people are coming for me. (You aren't paranoid if people really are out to get you, right?)

There's one on my pant leg. I just got a cell phone call from my clip "assassin" to point it out. How the heck did he get it there?!

These people are crazy. I'm telling you--watch your backs--they might come after you next! No one is safe from binder clip madness.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Five Obsessive Things

I've been tagged by The Eccentric Blonde to list out my five most obsessive thoughts. Here's what I came up with:

My Scale - I weigh myself every single morning with a scale that weighs me to the tenth of a pound. Somehow, I get validation from this stupid machine. If it is up a little or down a little it kind of sets the tone for my day. It is probably a wonder that I am not anorexic or bulimic, but somehow, I manage to keep it confined to just obsessing about that number.

Circumstance - I think a lot about why things happen the way they do in life. For instance, my parents let me choose which high school I went to. If I had chosen differently, I probably never would have met my husband or moved to Tennessee and had a completely different life. I think about that sort of stuff all of the time. If I had left my house a minute earlier, would I have been involved in that accident on the side of the road? What if I had never interviewed for this job? What if I had never had the job that I had before this which allowed me to find out about the job I have now? If my husband hadn't answered a newspaper ad, we would have never met one of our best friends. I just think it's so strange how little things can impact our lives in such major ways and I wonder about it a lot.

Planning - I have to plan. I can't stop planning. I do in my job. I do it in my personal life. I have done it for years. What I can't plan, I try to just leave up to God. I figure that God has got to be the ultimate planner, so if I can't plan it, I try to just let it go and not worry about it and figure that He has it covered. I think this way of thinking helps to keep me pretty content in life.

Laundry and Dishes - I hate dishes in the sink and laundry that overflows out of the hamper. Other stuff I can let go and ignore much more easily. I don't know why those two things bother me, but they do. I can kick my shoes off and not put them away. I can have other piles of "stuff" lying around the house. However, I just can't let the dishes and the laundry get too out of hand. It bothers me and hangs over me until it has been fixed.

Underwear - The top and bottom have to match. Always.

I would love to hear what Glamorous Jo has to say about her obsessions...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Feast - 4/13/07


When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?

Red. All shades of red from brick to maroon to cranberry. I still love red. I also used to love the big Crayola box of 64 crayons with the sharpener. I actually may get another set again someday, just for fun. I miss crayons. I also miss Play-Doh.


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move?

Probably a 1. I really hate moving and was forced to do it three other times in my life for job related stuff with my husband. I would do it again for him, but I don't think I would do it for me. It would have to be something really big and cool like a job coordinating design at Disney, Skywalker Ranch, Industrial Light and Magic or someplace like that. Then, I would have to consider it.


Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total?

That is a really bizarre question. Adding up each digit one by one equals 62.

Main Course

Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?

I re-gifted a gift card. Someone I worked with did something nice for me as a favor and I had this gift card that I knew she would appreciate, so I passed it on to her.


Name something you need from the store.

I need some Sugar Free French Vanilla Creamer. I use it every morning in my coffee. It makes my morning coffee a happy experience. I like happy coffee. I am not a morning person, so I need happy coffee in the morning.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fun With Fake Feet

Okay, I'm going to have to apologize in advance to anyone with a foot fetish, but I had a conversation at lunch with my co-workers that was just so entertaining, I had to share it.

One of my co-workers brought up the fact that there is a particular establishment in the Nashville area for people over a certain age, that sells some very life-like items to people who are willing to purchase them for their, um...enjoyment. One of the more tame items, is a very life-like, latex foot. (I would include an image, but I am really afraid of what I might find if I do an online search.) There was even a sample at the store that you could touch, if you so desire. The conversation then led to things that one could do with a very life-like latex foot.

Here are a few things we came up with:

1 - Have one person sit at a bus stop with the foot and suck on the toes. Have another person hiding in the bushes with a video camera to record reactions.

2 - Keep it at your desk at work and when someone comes along to ask you for something, again, start sucking on the toes and watch the reaction.

3 - A variation on #2 would be if you could sit cross-legged and tuck the foot out of your pant leg so it would appear you were sucking on your own toes.

4 - Walk down the street holding it and sniffing it profusely. Again, watch for reactions.

5 - Use it to kick people in the butt without actually kicking them in the butt.

6 - Put a toe ring on it and paint the toenails.

7 - Again, keep it at your desk at work and when someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, set it on the floor and tell them you are "putting your foot down".

8 - Fun in bathroom stalls. No more explanation needed--just use your imagination.

9 - Stick it out from underneath something heavy.

10 - Give it as a wedding gift with no explanation.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday Feast - 4/6/07


When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer?

I really like to fly. If I am flying, I am usually going someplace fun (at least that is the case for me as I don't generally have to fly anywhere for work.) So I associate flying with trips to see family, going home for the holidays, going on vacation or going somewhere for a fun weekend getaway. I usually have a good book or magazine (or Sudoku puzzles), have my iPod fully charged and have something fun to look forward to.


Have you ever met a blogging friend in person?

Nope. There are a few people who I already knew in person and I started reading their blogs after the fact, but I've never met anyone in person who I previously only knew by reading their blog.


When was the last time you were really, really tired?

That was probably about 2 weeks ago after spending 4 days working on building a patio. I was truly exhausted after that.

Main Course

If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be?

Hmmm. I think I would have to go with Yoda. His was a wise little bugger. It would be cool to find out how he could apply his wisdom to your actual life. Where would one take Yoda for lunch? He just doesn't seem like a guy you could take the local burrito place.


Fill in the blank: One day, I hope to see _______________.

Rome, Italy. I want to tour the Vatican and see the catacombs learn about all the history and eat the food. I think that would be an incredibly moving experience.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Twelve Weeks Later...

Our department at work was finally declared the winner today in our own version of The Biggest Loser. It's been 12 weeks and I've lost 12 pounds, but most importantly, here are ten things that I have learned on this journey:
  1. It is better to work out in the evening in front of the TV than not work out at all. Just because you can't get out of bed in the morning to exercise is no real excuse not to do it. You'll burn calories no matter when you squeeze it in. Don't let the rest of the world make you feel guilty for not hitting the gym at 6:00 am.
  2. Lean Pockets (whole grain supreme pizza flavor) are tasty and only 4 Weight Watchers points. There are even breakfast Lean Pockets with bacon, egg and cheese! How can you go wrong!
  3. When counting Weight Watchers points, it is best to save about 5 points at the end of the day for a 1 point piece of dark chocolate and a 4 point (8 oz.) glass of red wine (yes, I actually measure it out). Chocolate and wine make the weight loss journey more tolerable and just think of all of the antioxidants you'll be getting!
  4. Stocking your fridge and freezer with healthy stuff is only effective if you actually consume it. Items should be healthy, but they should also be stuff you enjoy eating. Explore your grocery store for such items.
  5. Splurging on one meal is not the end of the world if you allow yourself to get back on track immediately. Don't stress over it.
  6. Lean Cuisine meals are getting better and better. I love the variety! My freezer is packed full of them. I had butternut squash ravioli with vegetables for lunch today. I am definitely not suffering. Suffering is not necessary.
  7. If you skip a workout to dance for a few hours at an 80's rock show, you apparently still burn enough calories to make a difference on the scale and it sure is a heck of a lot of fun.
  8. Cherry Coke Zero. Mmmmmmm.
  9. Pedicures. Having pretty feet makes you feel thinner. I don't understand it. It just does.
  10. Sushi at RuSan's. Healthy and yummy. Did you know you can have asparagus sushi? Mixed vegetable sushi? Simmered ginger beef sushi? Walnut sushi? The possibilities are almost endless.