No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Binder Clip Madness

I work with people who get paid to be creative and be "on" all the time. There are plenty of deadlines and plenty of pressure to keep our product fun and interesting so that people continue to purchase it. Sometimes, things need to happen to offset the stress, make people laugh and spice things up a bit. This is where the attack of the binder clips has suddenly come into play.

You've seen the binder clips. They are used at almost every office and they come in all sorts of sizes. Lately, it has become the trend to try to clip them to people without their knowledge.

The more you clip on people, the bigger the clips, and the higher the ranking of the individual, the more interesting it is. People all over the office are walking around with clips hanging off of the back of sweatshirt hoods, and collars. One guy has gone so far as to hang a sign that declares his space a "clip free zone". Yesterday, a VP left for the airport with a clip hanging off of her. (We wonder if she made it through the metal detector.) Today, I witnessed a guy bravely attach two clips to the bottom of the shirt-tail of a Director. People are climbing under furniture to get pant legs and there has even been discussion of creating a chart so that people can be crossed off when they have been"clipped".

I've been careful. I've been watching for reflections in my letter opener. Shadows on the floor. I won't even listen to music so that I can hear people coming for me. I've survived two days clip free. I've now been told that I am a high-priority target and now I am imagining that people are coming for me. (You aren't paranoid if people really are out to get you, right?)

There's one on my pant leg. I just got a cell phone call from my clip "assassin" to point it out. How the heck did he get it there?!

These people are crazy. I'm telling you--watch your backs--they might come after you next! No one is safe from binder clip madness.


  • At 5:16 AM , Blogger Vixen said...

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  • At 5:20 AM , Blogger Vixen said...

    I know what I said about friends working together...but you all have too much fun. The minute any techies are needed let me know!!!!!

    Is there one particular person who starts such stuff? Or are you all just crazy and fun?


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