Since it is sunny and about 77 degrees today, I decided to venture out to a store at lunchtime. I figured, a) I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and b) Easter is coming and c) it might be fun to see if I can find a fabulous dress at a fabulous price.
I came back empty handed. Why, you ask? Because I feel as though
SteinMart misrepresents themselves.
I have to admit, I get sucked in about once every 6 months by their clever advertising. Younger women in cute clothes trying to tell me that "once I go....I'll get it".
First of all, trust me, I am not a snobby shopper. In fact, for the photo shoot I wrote about in my last blog, both the dress and the shoes came from
Target. As long as I like something and it fits me well, I really don't care where I buy it or who makes it.
I ventured in and looked around.
The first thing that struck me was the fact that most of the shoppers were senior citizens. Then I looked around for dresses. I hunted and hunted. The only thing I could find were things that looked like mother-of-the-bride (or grandmother-of-the-bride) dresses. I saw a rack from the distance that looked like it might have skirts and tops hanging together on it, but as I walked closer, two very "grandmotherly" women started to select items from the rack and I just couldn't bring myself to even look.
SteinMart may be great at selling housewares. They may have great men's items. They might even be more gifted in the pants and tops category. All I know is that after two loops through the store, I really felt like I was in the wrong place and I was kind of disappointed that I wasted my time there looking for a spring dress suitable for a 36 year old. Their commercials really made me believe it that I would find what I needed, but that was simply not the case.
Maybe it's all for the best and I'll just dig through my closet and find something I completely forgot about and save myself some cash--but the next time I want to browse, I am heading to Kohl's, TJ Maxx or my old stand-by...Target.
I might have some gray hair, but I'm not ready to start shopping like I do.