No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Saturday, March 01, 2008

More Good News--Let's Hope It's a New Trend!

I talked to my boss about my surgery situation.  My doctor seemed to think I would not be back at work for a week after my surgery (I should be scheduling my surgery date at my visit next week).

My concern was that I didn't want to:

a - fall behind in my work and be overwhelmed when I returned.

b - have my work dumped on anyone in my absence.

c - have to use 5 sick days or vacation days toward something like this when I will so desperately need to get away when I am healed.

Luckily, the people at my job are going to help me get set up (even if it means packing up my desk top computer from work and bringing it home) so that I can work remotely for a few days.  If I have my computer and a phone, I can do most of my job and at least get by for a few days until I return to the office.  

I managed to step on the scale this morning and I have actually lost weight since the ski trip!  This is not by accident.  I've been keeping track of every morsel of food I have been eating.  The last thing I want to deal with is gaining weight while sitting around with this knee.  I've heard that this injury / surgery can either make you gain weight (if you are not careful about your eating / activity level) or make you more buff (if you eat healthy and keep working out).  I'm shooting for the latter of the two options and it seems I am on track!

Also, my physical therapy homework is going well.  I am actually seeing my progress and I am feeling stronger and better every day.  Now, if I could just get this surgery over with, things should start (hopefully) looking up!

Let's hope there are more good days ahead.


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