No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wake Me Up When Life Stops Sucking

It's not bad enough to worry about trying to heal correctly after an injury.

It's not bad enough to have to pay a co-pay to your insurance every time you go to the doctor or go to physical therapy.

I now come to find out that my insurance will only cover 20 visits of physical therapy annually, which, if done as they were planning to prescribe, would use up most of my visits before I ever had surgery and would still leave about 36 more visits for me to pay 100% out of my own pocket.

Fabulous. Now I get to choose whether I want to go into debt over my knee or just not have the appropriate amount of physical therapy.

Ugh. I feel nauseous. I just want to go to sleep and have someone just wake me up when life stops sucking.


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