No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Monday, August 06, 2007

Arms Are Overrated Anyway...

It was almost 100 degrees outside yesterday, so the husband and I decided to go to to pool for a little while. I wanted to get some sun, but it was a little hot to just lay by the pool. So, I decided I may swim a few laps so that I could burn some calories while getting some sun.

I had it all planned out--swim on my back to side A and swim on my stomach to side B so that I get even color on both sides. The pool water was refreshing, so I swam. And swam. And swam some more.

I swam so much that today I think--in fact I'm pretty sure--both of my arms will fall out of their sockets at some point in the day.

Ow. I didn't know it could hurt to lift my coffee.


  • At 7:36 PM , Blogger Vixen said...

    I commend you for going to the pool in this 100 degree weather. Even the pool water wouldn't cool me off enough. It is now almost 10pm and we are finally going to take Daisy for her nightly walk. LOL

    I remember how sore you can get swimming. But it is an excellent form of exercise. I hope to do more of it once it cools like Sept/Oct maybe! LOL :)

  • At 7:37 PM , Blogger pilgrimchick said...

    All the better for the next time you swim--and at least you managed to exercise and stay somewhat cool at the same time.


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