No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Weekend Beverage Tip

a) I found individual mini cans of Mr & Mrs. T's Bloody Mary mix at Publix this week. (In the past, I've wasted too many large bottles of mix that have gone bad before I could use it all.)

b) Coating the rim of the glass with a mix of celery salt, sea salt and cayenne pepper is so delicious, I can't even put it into words. (This is a trick we learned from the bartender at Macaroni Grill.) Salty, savory, spicy goodness.

c) Think of all of the vitamin C and antioxidants. Tomatoes are good for you. I actually think I can feel myself getting younger as I sip it. :)

d) Two dashes worcestershire. Two dashes Tobasco.

e) I just got a brand new bottle of Absolut Peppar to add a little more "kick". Mmmmm. It's like a weekend in a glass.

Happy Weekend!


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