No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Feast - 7/28/06

Here's my Friday's Feast--Happy Friday Everyone!


What's the funniest dream you can remember having?

It was probably the Paul McCartney cocktail party with Starbursts as hors d'oerves dream. More details by clicking on this link.


If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?

Definitely a greyhound. I could eat what I wanted and stay slim and sleep a lot. Perfect.


Continue this sentence: "I get confused when..."

I get confused when I have to multiply or divide fractions. I'm not a big fan of fractions. I don't have to deal with them often. It is just not one of my strengths in life. Please don't make me multiply or divide them if you don't have to. I'd appreciate it.

Main Course

Name two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.

1) I really need to make a dentist appointment for a cleaning and 2) find a myself a general doctor. I've been living in Tennessee now for over two years and I still haven't picked a general physician. I'm basically a healthy person and when I get my one case of bronchitis a year, I usually just head to the urgent care clinic since I don't need an appointment. I really need to get around to that one of these days...


When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?

When I was on vacation, I tried a Bloody Mary. I usually like my drinks on the sweeter side, but it was 9:00 in the morning, we were on a plane and they were serving breakfast. It seemed like Bloody Mary's and Mimosa's were the drinks of choice for that time of day, so I thought, why not? Wow, it was wonderful! Spicy and savory--it was very tasty and was great with quiche. I looked to see what kind of mix they used (it was Mr. and Mrs. T's) and bought some as soon as I got home.


  • At 6:30 PM , Blogger pilgrimchick said...

    I can only say that in your "Main Course" cateory, mine is "Finish my Dissertation" and that will take up two rather than one at present.


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