No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Friday, May 12, 2006

Moms Are Cool

Mother's Day is almost upon us. Moms are cool. My Mom is cool, but I didn't discover it until years later. Here are some of the many reasons why my Mom was and still is cool:
  • She would look up words in a German dictionary to help me translate my German homework faster.
  • She makes awesome macaroni and ground beef casserole.
  • She sat on the edge of my bed and listened to me cry when my boyfriend moved out of state (it's okay--I eventually tracked him down and married him).
  • She would take me to Hess's Department Store in Allentown, PA and we would shop and then eat lunch at The Patio Restaurant or the snack bar.
  • She still listens and gives good advice.
  • She would let me sleep in on weekends and during the summer, but would wake me if one of my favorite bands was on Good Morning America.
  • She (and my Dad) would come out and see my then boyfriend's, (current husband) band--A LOT!
  • She was 42 years old when she had me, was told by doctors it was a bad decision to have me because of her age and that her health was in danger and that I would have Down's Syndrome, but she took a chance on me anyway--we both turned out just fine (except for my fear of spiders).

To all the current and future mothers out there--HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!


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