No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Thursday, May 25, 2006

End of a Chapter

Well, tomorrow is my last day at my old job. It is a strange feeling. I know that the new job will be amazing and exciting and exactly what I want to be doing and where I want to be. Nonetheless, I still feel a strange distant sadness to know that I have to say goodbye to this old place and friends that I've made.

I've held enough jobs to realize that this is just a fleeting emotion and once I am immersed in my new position, I will be thrilled. But right now, teetering on the edge of what I've known for over a year, and what is new, unknown and unforeseen--it is just strange. It's strange, sad and exhilarating all at once.

At least I have the long Memorial Day weekend ahead. I can sleep in, go to the pool, go to the movies and watch too much television. When Tuesday arrives, it will be out with old and in with the new. I feel like I should sing Auld Lang Syne or something...Happy New Job 2006!


  • At 10:18 PM , Blogger The Eccentric Blonde said...

    yay for the new job! just promise that you will give lenny hell for me, ok? :)

  • At 8:11 AM , Blogger Vixen said...

    WOO HOO! A new and exciting chapter in your life! Enjoy your fabulous relaxing holiday weekend!


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