No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Northern Feet

Growing up in the Northeast, my feet almost never saw the light of day this early in the season. Heck, no one would have even packed away their winter coats yet, just in case it snowed one more time.

Last night, I went to dinner with my husband and as we were leaving, I looked down at the feet of all the women walking into the restaurant around me. Every foot was perfectly exfoliated. All of the toes peeking out from beneath the jeans were perfectly polished. There was even the occasional toe ring making an appearance. I looked down at my own sock covered and black shoe covered feet and felt completely inadequate (so much for my having another "on" day). When I got home, I slathered moisturizer all over my feet, put on socks and went to bed.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and doggone it, my feet are going to be making an appearance at church! So if you hear the sounds of power sanders, drills and hammering coming from inside someone's house today, it might just be me--prepping my feet from a long, winter's hibernation.


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