No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Embracing Winter

Above - Me in the 70's enjoying another long Pennsylvania winter.

It's one of those days where it's sort of cold outside (30 degrees), but not too awful--especially for someone who has grown up enduring Northeast winters. Yet, somehow, between the dampness, cloudiness and chill in the air, I can't seem to warm up and/or wake up. I've been working the morning with my coat wrapped around me at my desk. After downing a sugar free Red Bull, a diet cranberry juice spiked with a vitamin powder, an espresso shot and (last but not least), a green tea, I would have imagined I would be bouncing off the walls right now. (In reality, I just have to pee a lot.)

It's that mid-winter slump in the middle of a cold, cloudy week with not even a good snow in the forecast to blanket the landscape with a bright coat of pristine white. It's that time of the year where we are all pale and have to practically bathe ourselves in moisturizer. That time of the year where the days are still too short to enjoy much sunlight. That time of the year where you wish hibernation was an option for humans.

Then, I look at the calendar and hope begins to set in. I realize that in about 17 days I will enjoy the beautiful views of snow capped mountain tops and sunlight glistening off of Lake Tahoe while getting to play in the snow for three solid days in Heavenly.

Above - Heavenly Ski Resort, Lake Tahoe

I think skiing brings back those childhood memories and experiences of building igloos and snowmen and getting days off from school. Soup and hot chocolate. Snowflakes and icicles. I get to dig out the long johns, glove liners, fleece and goggles. I don't even care if I get "hat hair".

Fill the flasks with peppermint schnapps and slather some sunscreen on your nose! It's almost time to embrace winter again!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go exfoliate and dunk myself in moisturizer for a while...


  • At 9:56 AM , Blogger pilgrimchick said...

    I think I am probably the only New Englander who does not ski and has no desire to do so. Too bad given at this time of year, that's pretty much the only way to get around. Unless you own a Hummer. And I have always been surprised at how few Hummer sales there have been out here.


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