No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Friday, November 16, 2007

Circus Punks and Knock Down Dolls

I'm not sure exactly how it started. I'm sure it has something to do with my love affair with fairs and amusement parks. Within the last year, I discovered my love of circus punks.

What is a circus punk you ask? A circus punk (or knock down doll) are those dolls you used to throw baseballs at and knock down (hence the name) for a prize at fairs, carnivals and amusement parks. (Click on this link for a little more history if you are interested.)

You can find vintage ones on Ebay. There are companies who make new ones too--you can get just about any design you can imagine.

You can even purchase a blank one if you want to decorate your own.

I began to realize just how cool they are--and how much I desperately wanted one.

I photographed these when I saw them at Universal Studios last month:

Less than a week ago, I had a birthday. I also have a spouse who really understands me in all of my uniqueness. Without it even being on my wish list, he purchased a circus punk for me.

Meet Cheeky Cheetah. She is my first official circus punk.

She is totally going on my desk at work.


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