No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It's January and it's time for change. Time to get rid of the old and make room for the new. Time to be the person you've always wanted to be. Time for....resolutions! Here's what I've got so far:

  • Sign up for electronic payments for all bills since I feel like one of the last 20 people on earth who still pay my bills with paper checks. (Already knocked this one off the list, and paid 3 bills electronically. This feels like a good start.)
  • Clean out the underwear drawer. I mean, for crying out loud. Why am I holding onto bras that have underwire on one side, and nothing on the other? No one wants to be lopsided. Maybe buy some cute new underwear to make this exercise more fun.
  • Sudoku puzzles. I must conquer. Did my first one last night--again, a good start.
  • Exercise. And this is not just some nebulous, fuzzy, hard to measure resolution. I want at least 2.5 hours of exercise per week. Deep down...I still want to train for a marathon someday, but 2.5 hours is a start for 2007. I even plan to throw in a little extra time in the next few weeks, since I plan to ski in about 6 weeks.
  • Be accountable, think about and write down everything that I eat. Always. Even on weekends.
  • More bubble baths.

...and last but not least....

  • Gradually chip away at this fake dinosaur egg until the Stegosaurus fully emerges.


  • At 1:31 PM , Blogger BendingPeak said...

    Sounds great! I am with you on the on-line bill pay. It's so easy to do, but I like my cute checks too.
    Hope you have a great new year,

  • At 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Online bill pay and automatic withdrawl is the best! I can't recall when I last mailed a bill. I write 1 check a month for rent and that's it! Welcome to the electronic bill pay world! :)


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