No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Seventeen years ago today, my husband asked me out on our very first date. Well, sort of. It was the first time that he ever asked me to go and do something, outside of school, just the two of us. It was June 15, 1989. It was just a trip to go shopping for graduation gifts for our friends, but it was a great day. He was so sweet, polite and attentive--years beyond a typical 18 year old. It seems like an eternity ago and yet it seems like just yesterday.

There was no way I could have known that we would get married one day. We were just a couple of young kids, hanging out together. Yet, somehow it felt special. Special enough for me to take note of that date and see the possibilities that lie ahead. I knew I liked him and that he made me laugh. Sometimes, those seemingly small things can mean so much.

I'm so glad that he asked me out. I'm so glad that I said yes. And I still like him--and he still makes me laugh.


  • At 10:38 AM , Blogger pilgrimchick said...

    Very nice, and somewhat encouraging. However, sometimes it is the people you missed out on--the ones you connected with that had to step out of your life for one reason or another--who make a lasting impression and leave you to contemplate.

  • At 2:35 PM , Blogger GJ said...


  • At 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Were there any BATS involved in this story at all?


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