No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Day So Far

My day started out like this:

First, there was a huge accident on I-65 and I was stuck in traffic which eventually resulted in me being 1/2 hour late for work.

As I was sitting in traffic, another driver coming up behind me apparently wasn't paying attention to the stopped traffic. I got to watch helplessly in my rear view mirror as he approached rapidly, slammed on his breaks and swerved into the next lane to avoid smashing into the back of my car.

A few minutes after the near pulverization of my poor Corolla, I noticed a GIANT spider crawling on my windshield--just out of reach of my wiper blades. (OK, maybe it wasn't giant, but it seemed giant to me.) It was basically right over my head with just the glass between me and its creepy, multi-legged body. My hands got clammy and sweaty and I got chills even though I was wearing a jacket. Eventually, I think (or at least I am telling myself) that he blew off the car.

I got to work and as I peeled the foil top off of my yogurt, it splattered out onto the sleeve of my sweater.

I took a giant sigh, made a mental note not to bother buying a lottery ticket today and opened my e-mail. Inside was a message from my traveling husband with an attachment of dancing poo. Disco poo to be exact.

I smiled and all of a sudden, all was right with the world again.


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