No Spiders Allowed

Thoughts from the Mind of An Arachnophobic Brunette

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cereal Killer

My husband loves cereal. I never knew that a 34 year old man could get such joy out of a bowl of generic, brown sugar flavored, mini-wheats. In any case, his joy is contagious and as we settled down last night with our crunchy bowls of heaven, I had to wonder...

Why on earth did I ever think we could do without carbs?!?

We are back to counting points (Weight Watchers). I'm not sure why I ever strayed, but the scale is 3.5 pounds less than it was earlier this week, and as I sunk my teeth into a small (very small) piece of low-fat lemon cake at lunch, I felt like I had come home again after a very long journey.

Dinner tonight? Pasta. Dessert? Cereal. Life is good.


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